Cuny Independent Researcher Agreement

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The City University of New York (CUNY) is a public university system in New York City that offers various academic programs to students across its multiple campuses. One of the main goals of CUNY is to encourage research and innovation among its students and faculty members. For this reason, CUNY has established a framework for independent researchers who wish to carry out their research activities within the university.

The CUNY Independent Researcher Agreement (IRA) is a formal agreement between the university and independent researchers who wish to conduct research on CUNY property or with the help of CUNY resources. This agreement is designed to protect the rights of CUNY and the independent researcher, and to ensure that the research is conducted in a safe and ethical manner.

The IRA covers a wide range of research activities including laboratory experiments, field studies, data analysis, and surveys. It sets out the terms and conditions under which independent researchers can use CUNY facilities and resources, including access to equipment, databases, and other university resources.

Under the IRA, independent researchers are required to comply with all applicable laws and regulations governing the conduct of research, including those related to safety, security, and ethical standards. They must also agree to provide regular updates to CUNY on their research progress, and to allow CUNY to monitor their research activities.

The IRA also outlines the ownership and sharing of results and intellectual property. Any discoveries or inventions resulting from the research activities must be reported to CUNY, and both parties must come to an agreement on the ownership and commercialization of any intellectual property.

In summary, the CUNY Independent Researcher Agreement is a vital component for independent researchers who wish to conduct research activities within the university. This agreement provides a framework for the safe and ethical conduct of research, while also protecting the rights of both CUNY and the independent researchers. By following the terms and conditions of the IRA, researchers can carry out their activities with confidence and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in their respective fields.