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Is there an email that you need to write that you are frustrated about because you can’t get the right words? Is it important for you that the person you’re sending it to is impressed with the email? I help people write either personal or professional, short emails. First email free: If you like my work, as I am confident you will, here is my price list:

1 email: 20 dollars

2-5 emails: 15 dollars per email

6-10 emails: 12 dollars per email

Please note: If you purchase my special report on how to write university papers, how to do library research, and a wide variety of other tips, you get 2-5 emails free, whenever you need them done. First come; first served. The special report can be purchased on my website for 20 dollars, and once you pay, I will send you the password. Here is where you will actually access the special report:

Final Note: You can also take advantage of this special offer the other way around. For example, if you purchase at least 6-10 emails, at a cost of 12 dollars each, then you get the special report which goes over many different tips to do better in school, absolutely free.

Step 1: Pay for the product or service you wish to purchase directly on my website.

Step 2: Within the next 24 hours, but usually much sooner, I will send you the password so that you can access the report, if that is what you wish to read. If it is the emails you have purchased, we can set up how you wish me to help you in that regard. The easiest way is for me to add you to Facebook and we work from there. But it’s negotiable!

Step 3: You either do better in school, or you have emails that are very professionally written that will impress the person reading them very much! 

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