Olivia Newton-John is one of the most famous singers/actors in Hollywood’s history. Her trumpet-like voice, as one critic referred to her when he was reviewing her album The Rumour in 1988, was legendary. The years when she was most active […]
Alex Jones is currently on trial and there are cameras in the courtroom. What’s he on trial for? Jones is a fake conspiracy theorist who has charged the people connected with Sandy Hook, New Jersey (the site of a lone […]
The trial involving Johnny Depp and Amber Heard is over, with both successfully winning their defamation cases against the other. Heard has accused Depp of being physically abusive towards her, while Depp has maintained his innocence and charged that […]
Amphiist: Someone who sees BOTH sides of issues Believes in reaching their full potential And allows others to do the same Amphiist: Civil rights advocate Amphiist: Philosopher, Historian, Psychologist Amphiist: Emotionally intelligent, naturally aristocratic, self-actualized Or at least trying… Amphiist […]
Amphiist: Someone who sees BOTH sides of issues Believes in reaching their full potential And allows others to do the same Amphiist: Civil rights advocate Amphiist: Philosopher, Historian, Psychologist Amphiist: Emotionally intelligent, naturally aristocratic, self-actualized Or at least trying…  […]