Jaclyn Holland-Strauss
I love writing stories, newspaper articles and blogs that inspire people of all cultures to control our emotions, to think positively, to reach our full potential, to see both sides of every issue, to not be duped by the global elite/Illuminati, and to progress through life, until we all reach self-actualization.
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There is a video on YouTube that fascinatingly discusses the great philosopher/artist #FriedrichNietzche. The name #Nietzche is legendary in the realm of philosophy. One of his books is called #BeyondGoodandEvil, and in it, he writes about how there are two […]

Brian Atlas hosts a dating podcast called Whatever. He is an intriguing person with strongly marked characteristics and traits. His worldview is that modern society is moving in the wrong direction. His fans adore him, and often donate hundreds of […]