Alex Jones is currently on trial and there are cameras in the courtroom. What’s he on trial for? Jones is a fake conspiracy theorist who has charged the people connected with Sandy Hook, New Jersey (the site of a lone wolf terrorist attack). He went so far as to say that everyone who pretends that […]
Tag archives for alex jones
I just wanted to write a brief article today about something I noticed on Twitter. They are saying that there was a practice drill days before the terrorist attack at Christchurch. I know nothing about Christchurch and so I can’t say for sure whether what I am about to say is true or not, but […]
Amphiist: Someone who sees BOTH sides of issues Believes in reaching their full potential And allows others to do the same Amphiist: Civil rights advocate Amphiist: Philosopher, Historian, Psychologist Amphiist: Emotionally intelligent, naturally aristocratic, self-actualized Or at least trying… Amphiist (79): Amphiist Conspiracies Editor: Jaclyn Holland-Strauss Worldview @ Facebook: Jaclyn Holland-Strauss […]
There are many sides fighting to influence our world view We need to listen to all of them (free speech) Including what the mainstream media refuses to cover The rest of us are entitled to our perspectives: Shia Muslims, socialists, etc. Amphiist is a Greek word meaning looking at both sides Amphiist (51) Editor: Jaclyn […]
There are many sides fighting to influence our world view We need to listen to all of them (free speech) Including what the mainstream media refuses to cover The rest of us are entitled to our perspectives: Shia Muslims, socialists, etc. Amphiist is a Greek word meaning looking at both sides Amphiist (49) Editor: Jaclyn […]
There are many sides fighting to influence our world view We need to listen to all of them (free speech) Including what the mainstream media refuses to cover The rest of us are entitled to our perspectives: Shia Muslims, men’s rights, socialists, etc. Amphiist is a Greek word meaning looking at both sides Amphiist (45) […]
There are many sides fighting to influence our world view We need to listen to all of them (free speech) Including what the mainstream media refuses to cover The rest of us are entitled to our perspectives: Shia Muslims, men’s rights, socialists, etc. Amphiist is a Greek word meaning looking at both sides Amphiist (44) […]
There are many sides fighting to influence our world view We need to listen to all of them (free speech) Including what the mainstream media refuses to cover The rest of us are entitled to our perspectives: Shia Muslims, men’s rights, socialists, etc. Amphiist is a Greek word meaning looking at both sides Amphiist (43) […]
Alex Jones always has an interesting perspective on the tragedies that happen far too often lately. He is always very clear, incisive and to the point. I don’t agree with everything he says, but I absolutely respect him and think he has a lot of valuable things to say. He has a lot of common […]
When I was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I experienced a lot of things that I would not have if I had not been who I am. I won’t get into that, since it’s off topic, but I bring it up to explain why I identify with Miriam Carey, […]
Source of picture: It’s always interesting to read certain authors and social critics, because they always (or their associates) have something interesting to say. is one of those sites, and Alex Jones is one of the social critics I find brings an interesting perspective to the news of the day. […]
Lately, the media has attacked the website Infowars, run by social critic Alex Jones, for encouraging terrorism that results in attacks like the one waged by Tamerlan Tsarnaev and his brother, Dzhokhar, at the Boston marathon recently. According to the Infowars site, Tamerlan’s ex brother-in-law has stated that Tamerlan became interested in Infowars after he […]
Source of story: In the above picture, a man is atop a building near the site of the Boston Marathon where bombings killed 2 people and injured 23 others. It is incidences like this that cause people to wonder about conspiracy theories. Is there a connection between […]
Recently, Alex Jones went on Piers Morgan and mentioned that Morgan should be deported for his stance that there should be a ban on assault weapons. Jones interpreted this to mean that Morgan was violating the 2nd Amendment, in principle. One response to this interview was very interesting, and that is Barack Obama’s. After the […]
Ry Dawson in a YouTube video, found at, criticizes the famous conspiracy theorist Alex Jones on a variety of issues. As the video begins, Jones is explaining that the President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has threatened to wipe Israel off the map. According to Dawson, this is not so. Ahmadinejad has instead threatened […]
Piers Morgan conducted an interview with Alex Jones a few nights ago, and it has ignited a considerable amount of controversy. According to Jones, the 2nd Amendment does not refer to duck hunting; it refers to the right American citizens have to defend themselves against the tyranny of the government. He points out that the […]
Piers Morgan, the CNN talk host, has strong opinions about what America should do about gun control in the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy. He went on Twitter the day the tragedy occurred, and posted several tweets about what gun control policy should be in the United States. He says that no […]
Mark Dice has released a video on YouTube where he discusses the mass shooting that recently happened in Newtown, Connecticut. He calls out Alex Jones, whom he refers to as a conspiracy con man. Dice mocks Jones for saying that the police are scrubbing the reports about there being multiple shooters. Dice does not […]