Tag archives for bible

Amphiist 47: Were the US Founding Fathers Muslim?

An amphiist believes in being a natural aristocrat (Show the manners of royalty in how you behave) An amphiist believes in realizing one’s best self (Self-actualize according to Maslow) An amphiist believes in being emotionally intelligent (Control your emotions/don’t be a puppet) This applies to politics, philosophy, religion, human beings Amphiist (47): Were the US […]

GOP debate and emotional intelligence

The debate last night for the GOP (Grand Old Party) was interesting. Of course, if you follow this kind of thing, you have heard about how Ted Cruz railed against the pathetic moderators for being so biased against Republican candidates.   But I have a question: Republicans know what to expect from any television channel […]

Natural Aristocrat Weekly, Issue 2

Literature Chetan Bhagat is the best-selling Indian writer who focuses on youth culture in India. His best books include Five Point Someone and Two States.   Education: Tips for Students Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl f is a real time saver on a PC. Apple f is the Mac version. If you want to find every occurrence […]

Rereading of Matthew 12:21

Matthew 12:21 (False): And Jesus angrily knocked over the table of the LGBTQ community because He is insulted at their very presence on Earth. (False): And Jesus, with great ferocity, overturned the table of the non-Christians, because He is the champion of intolerance. (False): And Jesus, with horrifying rage, kicked the table where the addicts […]

Do we have a responsibility to help the homeless?

Yesterday while waiting for the bus, a homeless guy asked me if I could give him a bus ticket or pass or cash because he had lost his ticket. He said when you’re homeless it’s hard to keep track of stuff. I didn’t have the right change for the bus, so I didn’t help him, […]

Was Jesus Christ born in Jerusalem or Bethlehem?

What do the Mormons think about this issue? The Book of Mormon is considered scripture for members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. According to this Christian church, Smith received divine revelation and was told directly by God what to write (in the same way that Muslims believe Muhammad received divine revelation […]

Was the Muslim Prophet Muhammad mentioned in the Christian Old Testament?

Sources: http://biblos.com/songs/5-16.htm http://www.answering-islam.org/BibleCom/songs5-16.html   In the Song of Solomon Chapter 5, a woman is describing a man, a man who has not yet been born. In other words, a prophecy is being uttered. In verse 16 of Chapter 5, it says, “His mouth is sweetness itself; he is wholly desirable. This is my beloved, and […]

What do the King Solomon story in the Bible, the fight over the Gaza Strip between Israelis and Palestinians, and the mass shooting in Newtown, Connecticut all have in common? A fight for ownership rights at the expense of innocent children.

King Solomon was a very wise man. In the King James version of the Bible, specifically in the 3rd book of 1 Kings, a story is told where he was supposed to judge between two mothers of children. Both mothers said the child belonged to them. In his wisdom, Solomon suggested cutting the child in […]