Category archives for Uncategorized

Taylor Swift, wow!

#TaylorSwift is one of the most famous stars in the world today. She has been around since the mid2000s when she was still a teenager. But in the past few years, her fame and success seem to have skyrocketed to an unimaginable height. I’ve never heard before of an artist taking all ten spots on […]

Vision Boards

A vision board can be as simple as a piece of Bristol board with a bunch of clippings pasted to it, of different sizes. The idea is to decide what matters the most to you in life, and then build a kind of word cloud centering around those concepts. If you want to be a […]

Amphiist analysis of Washington Post

Amphiist: May 13, 2020 An #amphiist is someone who is not born of royal blood But behaves in a naturally aristocratic manner (with character, integrity and a minimum of bias) An amphiist is someone who is emotionally intelligent (can see all sides to an issue) An amphiist is someone who is self-actualized (someone who is […]

Amphiist May 13/2020

Amphiist: May 13, 2020 An #amphiist is someone who is not born of royal blood But behaves in a naturally aristocratic manner (with character, integrity and a minimum of bias) An amphiist is someone who is emotionally intelligent (can see all sides to an issue) An amphiist is someone who is self-actualized (someone who is […]

Amphiist 87: Analysing the Washington Post’s take on the coronavirus

Amphiist: May 16, 2020 An #amphiist is someone who is not born of royal blood But behaves in a naturally aristocratic manner (with character, integrity and a minimum of bias) An amphiist is someone who is emotionally intelligent (can see all sides to an issue) An amphiist is someone who is self-actualized (someone who is […]

Amphiist: May 13, 2020 Analysis of Washington Post article An #amphiist is someone who is not born of royal blood But behaves in a naturally aristocratic manner  (with character, integrity and a minimum of bias) An amphiist is someone who is emotionally intelligent (can see all sides to an issue) An amphiist is someone who […]

Amphiist 63: Is there amphiism in the Quran?

There are many sides fighting to influence our world view We need to listen to all of them (free speech) Including what the mainstream media refuses to cover The rest of us are entitled to our perspectives: The Amphiist defends the views of the oppressed Amphiist is a Greek word meaning looking at both sides […]

Why we should read Become (Desolation I), by Ali Cross

Ali Cross is a self-published author of books that deal with young adults in the genre of the paranormal, with some romance thrown in for good measure! The first in the Desolation series is entitled Become. When I read this book, several things occurred to me. I’m not sure if the author intended all of […]

Agatha Christie/Mary Westmacott: Was Absent in the Spring based on a real-life event?

Agatha Christie wrote six novels under the pseudonym Mary Westmacott between the years 1930 and 1956 (when they were actually published). One of these, Absent in the Spring, is an excellent character study of a woman who is temporarily stranded in the Middle Eastern desert, and starts analyzing herself to great effect. All her life […]

What is Alex Jones saying about the Boston bombings?

Lately, the media has attacked the website Infowars, run by social critic Alex Jones, for encouraging terrorism that results in attacks like the one waged by Tamerlan Tsarnaev and his brother, Dzhokhar, at the Boston marathon recently. According to the Infowars site, Tamerlan’s ex brother-in-law has stated that Tamerlan became interested in Infowars after he […]

Is this woman a crisis actor for the Boston Marathon as part of a false flag operation?

Source:       In this article, rather than do what I usually do, which is summarize someone else’s article on the subject at hand, I am going to explain some of the concepts associated with crisis actors and false flags for those who don’t know them. I plan to write quite a few […]

False flags and crisis actors: My confusion over the contradiction between what Mark Dice and Glenn Beck are saying about the Boston Marathon bombings

Sources:   In researching the Boston Marathon bombings, I have come across some interesting issues. Mark Dice talks for example about the 17 terrorist attacks that have been orchestrated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). He admits that not every mass shooting is a conspiracy, but he does contend that many are. […]

Boston Marathon bombings confusion: Abdulrahman Ali Alharbi, 7/7, drill, etc.

Source:   There are some confusing elements surrounding the Boston Marathon bombings. One is the existence of Abdulrahman Ali Alharbi. According to the source quoted above, this is possibly someone who is working for the American government. He is a Saudi national, which does not necessarily mean he is a citizen of Saudi Arabia. […]

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