Amphiist 86 Edited by Jaclyn Holland-Strauss The newspaper for those who want to look behind the scenes of the news And reachyour full potential November 20, 2019 Â International Politics In the news often day, there are constant battles between […]
Support REAL news by subscribing: I’d?… The newspaper for those who wonder about good & evil Issue 3: June 5 , 2016 There’s a choice each of us needs to make To have control over our emotions or not […]
Literature Agatha Christie is the best-selling author in the world, with 4 billion (yes, with a ‘b’) sold. She was known for the surprise endings in her murder mysteries. Best: ABC Murders, Murder of Roger Ackroyd, Murder on the Orient […]
Natural Aristocrat Weekly The Newspaper for Busy People who Believe in the Individual by Jaclyn Holland-Strauss (on Facebook/LinkedIn), JaclynHStrauss (on Twitter) Issue 1: September 4, 2015 A natural aristocrat is someone who was not born rich, but obtains riches […]
Russell Brand wants a revolution. Paxman asked him who he was to edit a popular political magazine like the New Statesman. Paxman had a problem with Brand because he does not vote. Brand replies, very intelligently, that he does not […]