Natural Aristocrat Weekly: Special Edition Mass Shooting at Umpqua Community College, Oregon False flag or the work of a lonely killer? Issue 5: October 3, 2015 There has been another mass shooting in Oregon, this time at Umpqua Community […]
There has been another mass shooting in Oregon, this time at Umpqua Community College. The inevitable question of whether or not this is a government-inspired false flag has arisen, as it always does, now almost immediately after such a tragedy. […]
Is the DC Navy Shooting a complete hoax? Is it a false flag? According to the Conspiracy Research website, the reason this navy shipyard shooting occurred is because Barack Obama wants to distract the American public. The reason the […]
Source: In this article, rather than do what I usually do, which is summarize someone else’s article on the subject at hand, I am going to explain some of the concepts associated with crisis actors and […]
On the cockroachalley website, the site runners show a video of Gene Rosen as he tearfully describes his involvement in the Newtown, Connecticut tragedy which happened in December, 2012. The title of the video refers to this being an audition […]