There are many sides fighting to influence our world view

We need to listen to all of them (free speech)

Including what the mainstream media refuses to cover

The rest of us are entitled to our perspectives:

Shia Muslims, men’s rights, socialists, etc.

Amphiist is a Greek word meaning looking at both sides

Amphiist (21)

Editor: Jaclyn Holland-Strauss                Worldview @

Facebook: Jaclyn Holland-Strauss                   Twitter: @JaclynHStrauss

January 9, 2018                                 Today in the…

Natural Aristocrat, Emotionally Intelligent, Woke, Self-Actualized

Mainstream media perspective

The mainstream media dismisses the altright as NeoNazis. The media states that the altright believes that white people are inherently superior to people of colour; this is perhaps the biggest charge against them. According to the media, the altright is too dangerous to allow on social media, they are anti-Semitic, and that they are hicks who drive pick-up trucks, work out in the gym a lot, and aren’t very sophisticated. They are not well-informed politically, and many of them acknowledge they never had much interest in politics before voting for Trump. So not only do they have a politically inexperienced leader, they also fit that description themselves.


(Turn page over for another perspective)

The Other Side

I am afraid that the media, while understandably repulsed by some of the more extreme tenets of the altright, are making the group look good by causing them to look like martyrs. The aesthetic of the altright, for those who are not politically sophisticated, can seem appealing. They work out, they look great, they seem to feel that morality is very important, but this is only what you see on the surface. A movement which has very attractive, muscular men at the helm, giving interviews, and sharing constant podcasts, unfortunately might appeal to lonely women who are ripe for being recruited.

However, as we examine the altright beyond the superficialities, some dangerous stuff is going on. Last night, Nick Fuentes, host of America First, interviewed Paul Nehlen, the man who is running for state legislature in Wisconsin against Paul Ryan. Fuentes and Nehlen, both regularly assert they are wonderful Christians. However, Nehlen admitted that the only reason he cares about the DACA issue is he’s afraid that Dreamers will be potential liberal voters. He doesn’t care about the ideology behind it; he’s a purely political animal. Not very Christian. Also, Nehlen routinely says mean things about others. He’s not a Christian…and he’s not an amphiist.

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4 thoughts on “Amphiist 21: The sexual danger of the altright

  1. Arcticstormer

    Why are Fuentes and Nehlen and other whites dangerous for wanting to persevere their race and find a solution that so many whites want in finding a way to live away from other races? Not all people unanimously agree that diversity is a strength, in fact, there is quite a bit of data that shows that diversity is not beneficial, especially for white people. Crime for instance is much hire in areas that are less white. There are many other problems that multi racial societies experience. Here’s a link for such info:

    1. Arcticstormer

      Interesting site, though. I will be reading more.

      1. Jaclyn Holland-Strauss

        Thanks, be sure to type in Waltons in the search engine. I think you will like that article.

    2. Jaclyn Holland-Strauss

      Fuentes at least has a sense of humour and a good deal of charm. Nehlen is another matter. He is dangerous, although I suspect the radical opinions he espouses are not his own and that he has an agenda, something we always need to consider when we read people’s inflammatory words.

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