There are many sides fighting to influence our world view
We need to listen to all of them (free speech)
Including what the mainstream media refuses to cover
The rest of us are entitled to our perspectives:
Shia Muslims, men’s rights, socialists, etc.
Amphiist is a Greek word meaning looking at both sides
Amphiist (20)
Editor: Jaclyn Holland-Strauss               Worldview @
Facebook: Jaclyn Holland-Strauss                  Twitter: @JaclynHStrauss
January 8, 2018Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Today in the…
Natural Aristocrat, Emotionally Intelligent, Woke, Self-Actualized
Mainstream media perspective
The mainstream media is today championing Oprah Winfrey as a viable Presidential candidate for 2020. Oprah is a true American heroine, because she escaped from poverty on the force of her own drive. She has been incredibly generous with her wealth. She would be the first African American woman to be President, and she would shatter the glass ceiling once and for all. She is an inspiration for all women, and shows that it is not just the Kardashian type of female who can achieve enormous financial success. Oprah is beloved. It would be nice to have a US President who encouraged minorities to sit at the front of the bus, rather than a President who throws people of colour under it.
(Turn page over for another perspective
The Other Side
The mainstream media often gets it right, if not always. Just because the framework for the Amphiist newspaper is filling in the blanks of the mainstream media sometimes misses out on, it does not suggest a disrespect for the media itself. The Amphiist does not subscribe to the view that the mainstream media represents fake news.
Oprah is an amphiist, someone who is emotionally intelligent, naturally aristocratic because of the strength of her character and integrity, and someone who is aspirational in helping others achieve their best selves. I really value tremendously her contribution to introducing a whole new generation of youth to books. She is obviously a book lover, and wouldn’t that be a refreshing change from the anti-amphiist Americans have in power now?
No one is perfect, and there are some problematic aspects to any Presidential campaign Oprah might launch. Like Trump, she does not bring political experience to the highest political office in the world. And political experience counts for something. It means you know how to network, how to make deals, how to negotiate in the first place, a realistic notion of the limitations of what a President can do, and the concessions that the President of a country with checks and balances has to acknowledge and implement.
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