Conspiracy theories

We live in a time when, more than in any other era in history, evil is called good and good is called evil. Many people have become interested in a variety of conspiracy theories which delineate the difference very clearly […]

American Idol finale

Last night American Idol finished its 11th season. Or is it 12th? I’ve lost track. But one thing that is very clear is that ever since David Cook won in 2008, Caucasian men who play instruments enjoy an inestimable advantage […]

Old Testament questions

There are many examples in the Old Testament where it seems like God has a lot of rules that do not make sense to people of modern sensibilities. One of the most controversial centers around Leviticus 18:22, where it says, […]

Three similarities between Mormons and Muslims

The name Mormons refers to the adherents of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The name Muslims refers to adherents of Islam. As I have learned more about both religions, I have noticed some striking similarities. One is […]

What’s wrong with modern society

A great case can be made for why the two world wars that were fought during the 20th century were catastrophes from which we will never recover. Apart from the obvious toll on human life, much societal damage was inflicted […]