There is another similarity between Mormons and Muslims that I have not mentioned yet. One thing they both do is fast. The idea behind fasting is to make yourself suffer so that you can feel compassion for those who are hungry on a regular basis. Also, if you want something really badly, then it is a good idea to fast to give yourself the extra spirituality you need and to show how serious you are about it. The difference between Mormons and Muslims when it comes to fasting is that they do it at different times. Mormons do it one Sunday each month, and instead of someone giving a talk on a religious topic, they give their testimonies. This means that they say why they believe in God, and they give examples from their own lives for why they have faith. On the other hand, Muslims fast in an event called Ramadan. This takes place every year and lasts around a month. They fast everyday from sun up to sun down. This is a lot more intense than the Mormon way of fasting. Mormons miss 2 meals, but Muslims fast for 24 full hours. The principles behind the fasting are the same for both religions, however. The money that they save from fasting goes to the poor, who need it more.Â
Jaclyn Holland-Strauss
I love writing stories, newspaper articles and blogs that inspire people of all cultures to control our emotions, to think positively, to reach our full potential, to see both sides of every issue, to not be duped by the global elite/Illuminati, and to progress through life, until we all reach self-actualization.
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I would like to point out that Muslims don’t fast 24 hours. They fast from dawn till dusk. Depending on where you live and when the month of Ramadhan falls during the year the number of hours you spend fasting will change. For example in Saudi Arabia the period of time between dawn to dusk is almost 15 hours, so you would fast for 15 hours in Saudi Arabia.
Thanks for both pieces of information! I really appreciate it.
The money saved from fasting goes to the poor—is also incorrect—Muslims pay a (annual) “charity tax” called zakat—(all Muslims pay this even if they don’t live in muslim countries) this is an obligatory charity and one of the 5 pillars. Apart from this muslims can give voluntary charity anytime they want. (sadaqah).
The reasoning behind zakat—is that all wealth belongs to God and an individual who is wealthy simply has a “loan” from God. Therefore, those to whom God has blessed with more wealth have the extra responsibility of sharing with those who have been given less. In Islam, God’s blessings come with commensurate responsibilities.
Ramadan requires a high level of discipline but the rewards of an increase in Taqwa (God-awareness) make it worthwhile.