Queen Noor or Princess Diana?

There is nothing that sells magazine covers like a picture of a glamorous women. Both Queen Noor, of Jordan, and Princess Diana, of England, fit this description. Who did more for their respective country? In terms of beauty, both are […]

We’re not going to take it anymore!

The lack of manners that we witness today is absolutely ridiculous. People are so self-absorbed for the most part (although there are wonderful exceptions) that they cannot be bothered to force themselves away from self-absorption long enough to notice the […]

Is America the greatest country in the world?

The United States of America was born in 1776. It was created by a group of men called the Founding Fathers, and they included such men as Thomas Jefferson and George Washington. These men believed in God, and were addicted […]

Iraq war: good idea?

The Iraq War generated a lot of controversy and people still debate whether or not that war should have been fought in the first place. Even among conservatives, there was debate about the feasibility of the war. For instance, Robert […]