One of the biggest problems with contemporary politics is that people belong to specific parties. The Founding Fathers of the United States did not believe in political parties because they feared the influence of factions. This is precisely what has happened. When discussing a specific issue, people focus on which party the person discussing the issue is from. They should instead focus on the merits of the argument on its own. People ridicule Fox News anchors just because they are on Fox News. It is the same with equally political channels like MSNBC. Take the issue of abortion. Conservatives believe that abortion is murder, and just like murder, sometimes there are extenuating circumstances, where the murder is allowed. Self-defense is one example. If a woman’s health is jeapordized by giving birth, then conservatives generally feel that abortion is acceptable. Liberals, on the other hand, believe that this violates a woman’s right to choose what she does with her own body. They believe that her rights come before the child’s rights, because the child has not yet been born. My personal belief is that such a serious, personal issue should not be discussed except between two close friends. No one’s opinion is going to be changed because someone on the opposite political side feels a certain way. We should abolish the party system in North America, and focus on the issues.
Jaclyn Holland-Strauss
I love writing stories, newspaper articles and blogs that inspire people of all cultures to control our emotions, to think positively, to reach our full potential, to see both sides of every issue, to not be duped by the global elite/Illuminati, and to progress through life, until we all reach self-actualization.
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