Piers Morgan conducted an interview with Alex Jones a few nights ago, and it has ignited a considerable amount of controversy. According to Jones, the 2nd Amendment does not refer to duck hunting; it refers to the right American citizens […]
People have been waiting for a week to hear what the National Rifle Association (NRA) think about the mass shootings in Newtown, Connecticut. Wayne LaPierre, the executive vice president of the company, finally broke his silence. He stated that the […]
Piers Morgan, the CNN talk host, has strong opinions about what America should do about gun control in the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy. He went on Twitter the day the tragedy occurred, and posted several tweets […]
Liza Long wrote an article at http://thebluereview.org/i-am-adam-lanzas-mother/, which created a firestorm of controversy. In it, she described herself as being in the same situation as Adam Lanza’s mother. Long, too, has a son with mental health issues. She describes her […]
Mark Dice has released a video on YouTube where he discusses the mass shooting that recently happened in Newtown, Connecticut. He calls out Alex Jones, whom he refers to as a conspiracy con man. Dice mocks Jones for saying […]