In history books in America, you can read that after the first harsh New England winter, the European pilgrims invited the Natives to a celebratory feast. However, the truth, according to this site, is a capitalistic overthrow of an entire […]
October 17, today, is the final day for the United States government parties to come to an agreement concerning the government shutdown. In other words, if the debt ceiling is not raised, then the United States will default on the […]
The Senate and the House are still at odds when it comes to the government shutdown. The Republican House side says that it is willing to suspend a new tax on medical devices, etc. A settlement is necessary […]
This is Thanksgiving weekend in Canada, and I am definitely grateful for all that I have, but there is a history to the holiday that is not all dressing and stuffing! According to the site I’m summarizing, his is […]
The answer to this question is a resounding yes! They are both like a breath of fresh air. Because the shows are not on networks, the producers have more freedom to be more adult in their depiction of these fictional […]