Sin is when we do something wrong and often the motivation is that we are trying to be happy. But we are messing up in our approach! What is the best thing to do when we sin? I think that […]
An Islamic rule is that a man can have up to 4 wives. Originally, Mormons also had this rule. However, in the late 1890s, that practice was discontinued by order of their Prophet. The rule still exists in Islam; however, […]
There are different economic systems that countries can choose to implement. The two that have gained the most publicity over the past century have been capitalism and communism. Communism did not turn out so well, as suggested by the fall […]
Kim Kardashian recently admitted on Oprah’s Next Chapter, Oprah’s show on her new network, OWN, that she started having sex when she was 14 years old. People on talk shows like The Talk and The View are saying that the […]
Maslow’s hierarchy is a psychological term that ranks our needs according to their importance in our lives. The lowest is the need for shelter and the other basic necessities of life. The highest is self-actualization. Not many people achieve this […]