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But which is which?

Amphiist is a Greek word meaning both sides

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Amphiist 12: Shia Islam, Christianity and Judaism: How they view Jesus

The three Abrahamic religions are Islam, Christianity and Judaism. Let’s compare them. Islam was founded by the Prophet Mohammed in the sixth century in Saudi Arabia. The main difference between Islam and Christianity is that while Muslims believe that Jesus was a superb moral teacher and prophet of God, they do not believe that he is the actual son of God. They believe this is idolatry and that only one God should be worshipped. Christians do believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins, although there is controversy within Christianity whether or not Jesus’s Atonement was enough so that people are automatically forgiven all their sins and enter heaven as a result of the Atonement, or if they also have to work hard to deserve heaven based on merit (as much as possible).

Both Islam and Christianity respect Jesus enormously, then, although to different degrees. The fundamental difference between these first two religions and Judaism is that Jews are still waiting for the Messiah; they do not believe that he has appeared yet.

However, there is a further division of which as many people as possible should be aware in this day of constant terror.

There are over 70 sects in Islam, but two main ones which comprise most of the Muslim population. These are the Sunni and Shia sects. Some say that Shias represent the pure and real Islam, and that extreme Sunni Islam, also known as Wahhabi Islam is the real cause of terrorism. Mohammed ibn Abd al Wahhab is viewed by Shias as an Islamic fanatic in the 18th century (he died near the end of it). But the real terror began when Abu Bakr, Omar and Uthman usurped power from the Prophet Mohammed’s rightful successor, Ali ibn Abi Talib, say the Shia. These men wanted power, and were willing to do anything at all to obtain it. There is a record in both Sunni and Shia literature which states clearly that the Prophet passed on his legacy to Ali, a man known for his akhlaq, his integrity of character, and his great emotional intelligence. The Sunnis also greatly respect Ali, so the two sects agree on that point.

From the Sunni perspective, Omar was a great warrior who won many battles, including the one where he conquered Persia (present-day Iran). They view the temporary marriage practiced by Shias as degenerate and an excuse to sin/fornicate. Shias do contracts (verbal, usually) where they can have sex inside a temporary marriage with a deadline.

Personally, I have become disenchanted with Christianity because of an experience I had with the Mormon church (a Christian church). My view of religion is that we sacrifice our own sins for the assurance that God will protect us. I still definitely believe in God, but have come to realize that I know very little about Him. Hopefully, in my journey through life, I will continue to learn and make correct choices. If anyone knows of any information I produced here that is inaccurate, please let me know. These are important issues, and I want to get everything right.


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