Natural Aristocrat Weekly The Newspaper for Busy People who Believe in the Individual Jaclyn Holland-Strauss (on Facebook/LinkedIn), JaclynHStrauss (on Twitter) Issue 4: September 25, 2015 Politics I have many points of difference with President Barack Obama. However, one thing I appreciate about his administration is his commitment to diversity. Also, I like his comparative isolationism. […]
Tag archives for crisis actors
Source for first part of article: The WTSP site has summarized what has written about the Boston Marathon bombings and related conspiracy theories. There are 5 main categories that Snopes outlines in relation to these tragedies. One is early creation Facebook pages. In other words, before a tragedy happens, someone expresses condolences about […]
The attack in Kenya, according to this website, was a false flag attack. This site goes into a lot of detail about why the author of the site feels this way and presents an extremely compelling case. To tell you the truth, I do not know what blood is supposed to look like when splattered […]
Source: In this article, rather than do what I usually do, which is summarize someone else’s article on the subject at hand, I am going to explain some of the concepts associated with crisis actors and false flags for those who don’t know them. I plan to write quite a few […]
Sources: In researching the Boston Marathon bombings, I have come across some interesting issues. Mark Dice talks for example about the 17 terrorist attacks that have been orchestrated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). He admits that not every mass shooting is a conspiracy, but he does contend that many are. […]