The above picture is being circulated around the Internet. There are three main issues that the picture brings up for conspiracy theorists. I am not sure who the original author is of the conspiracy, or who did the collage in […]
People have been waiting for a week to hear what the National Rifle Association (NRA) think about the mass shootings in Newtown, Connecticut. Wayne LaPierre, the executive vice president of the company, finally broke his silence. He stated that the […]
King Solomon was a very wise man. In the King James version of the Bible, specifically in the 3rd book of 1 Kings, a story is told where he was supposed to judge between two mothers of children. Both mothers […]
Robbie Parker is a remarkable man. He lost his daughter, Emilie, in the recent Newtown, Connecticut shooting. When I heard him talking on television, I thought, “He sounds like a Mormon.” When I mentioned this on Facebook, one of my […]
Liza Long wrote an article at, which created a firestorm of controversy. In it, she described herself as being in the same situation as Adam Lanza’s mother. Long, too, has a son with mental health issues. She describes her […]