On the cockroachalley website, the site runners show a video of Gene Rosen as he tearfully describes his involvement in the Newtown, Connecticut tragedy which happened in December, 2012. The title of the video refers to this being an audition […]
According to a writer at http://difficultrun.nathanielgivens.com/2012/12/18/robbie-parker-and-his-critics/, Robbie Parker is clean-cut in appearance, has several children, and refers to God as Heavenly Father. These are all signs that he is Mormon, or a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of […]
Anderson Cooper has decided to talk about the conspiracy theories about the mass shooting that recently occurred in Newtown, Connecticut. One of the most interesting parts of the discussion occurred for me when Cooper quoted Robbie Parker as saying that […]
Piers Morgan conducted an interview with Alex Jones a few nights ago, and it has ignited a considerable amount of controversy. According to Jones, the 2nd Amendment does not refer to duck hunting; it refers to the right American citizens […]
In Newtown, Connecticut, almost 30 children died in a tragedy that makes no sense. Whether you think Robbie Parker was an actor or a genuinely grieving father, the tragedy itself definitely occurred (for the sake of clarity, I think he […]