I have noticed something interesting in my discussions with various Muslims. In contrast with Mormons, with whom I also have a lot of experience, Muslims do not aggressively try to interest people in their religion. Although of course it partly depends on personality and how comfortable someone is approaching others on matters of deeply personal interest like religion, Muslims in my experience do not talk about their religion like Mormons do.
For instance, in 1991, missionaries approached the door of my mother’s house and asked if we were interested in finding out more about their religion. They took an active role in explaining their belief system, in great detail. The Mormons have what they call missionaries. Men leave home when they are 18 to travel to other places to teach their beliefs. In fact, unless a man has physical reasons for not going, it is highly encouraged and expected that they go on a mission, as they call it. Women are not similarly obligated, but if they want to go when they are 21, they can (men are usually 19, I believe, when they embark upon this experience).
On the other hand, I have asked many different Muslims for help in trying to understand their religion but I have not had much luck in that area. I have been directed to various YouTube videos, and I have a copy of the Quran, but that is about the extent of the help I have been offered. Even people who seem very dedicated to the religion of Islam do not seem as interested in spreading their knowledge like I have seen Mormons do.
This is not to say that anyone is doing anything wrong. There are a couple of reasons I can think of why this might be so. It could be the language barrier. The Quran is in Arabic, and perhaps students for whom English is a second language do not feel comfortable discussing it with English-speaking people for fear of making a mistake in an important area. Another possibility I have considered is that perhaps they feel that the Quran is the best source to consult since, unlike the Bible, it has not been interfered with by humankind. Also, there is the reason I noted above, which is possibly that they are shy to discuss something so personal with someone from another culture.
Still, I find it interesting that there is no official program in Islam for spreading the good news of the beliefs that they hold. Hopefully someday I will find someone who knows a lot about the religion and who is excited about sharing it because there is nothing more exciting to me than gaining knowledge.
Fake Name
Although I don’t know of any formal missionary work done my Muslims, my questions have always been answered and, in most cases, I’ve also been offered to attend Friday Prayers. One thing I do notice about Muslims is their sense of community. From what I have learned, part of practicing Islam is to give to those less fortunate and be active in the community without expecting payment. It is my view that this practice is a form of missionary work.
Yes, any example of good actions is the best missionary work available. Words whisper; actions scream!
what do you want to know? I am a Muslim.
One of the things that immediately comes to mind is that I have heard intriguing things about Jesus not dying on the Cross, but someone substituted for Him? I don’t understand all of the details, but I’m fascinated by that. The main reason why I haven’t become a Muslim is that I believe that Jesus is the Son of God, and I know that Muslims believe that He is a Prophet, worthy of great respect but they do not believe He is the Son of God. So I would love to hear more about that ‘substitution’ for starters. Thank you for any help you can give me!
Deutoronomy says that a false Prophet to be killed. If Jesus Christ(pbuh) dies/is killed—this turns him into a false Prophet. That is why God substitutes a likeness. This works for us Muslims because we do not have the doctrine of “original sin” (neither do the Jews) so there is no need for a sacrifice to expiate sin anyway. Therefore, unlike Christianity, there is no need for a “son of God” concept.
In Islam and Judaism–Human beings are created inherently good—when we sin, we can ask forgiveness and change our ways because God is most compassionate, most merciful and he forgives those who ask for it.
OK. I’ll buy!
Allah brought Jesus straight up to Heaven, because He was a TRUE prophet!
Allah allowed Muhammad to die like a dog!
He was poisoned by a WOMAN & a Jewish WOMAN at that, SO, Muhammad was a FALSE prophet!
Deutornomy 13
If a prophet or someone who has dreams arises among you and proclaims a sign or wonder to you, 2 and that sign or wonder he has promised you comes about, but he says, ‘Let us follow other gods,’ which you have not known, ‘and let us worship them,’ 3 do not listen to that prophet’s words or to that dreamer. For the Lord your God is testing you to know whether you love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul. 4 You must follow the Lord your God and fear Him. You must keep His commands and listen to His voice; you must worship Him and remain faithful[a] to Him. 5 That prophet or dreamer must be put to death, because he has urged rebellion against the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt and redeemed you from the place of slavery, to turn you from the way the Lord your God has commanded you to walk. You must purge the evil from you
Jesus Christ (pbuh) taught people to worship the ONE God and none other because he was NOT a false Prophet.
Oh, thank you so much! A very detailed answer. Exactly what I’m looking for! Do you know of any books (other than the Quran, which I am already reading) that cover topics like this? I appreciate your time and sharing so much.
There are Quran translations with “tafsir” (explanations) The one by Yusuf Ali covers these types of subjects and also puts the Quran in its historical and spiritual context.
There are many books/works in English of Islamic philosophy—but this would not be for beginners.
Perhaps an easier way to begin would be through Utube lectures by Muslim scholars
Yusuf Estes for beginners
Hamza Yusuf for more advanced level (He also has a blog Sandala.org)
Tariq Ramadan, Timothy Winters, Sayyed Hossein Nasr— also for advanced level.(—require some background in Islam to put in context what they are saying)
…..or….just ask me……(I am not a scholar, just an average muslim)
Thanks a lot! I will start with Tawheed and Yusuf Estes. You should write a book yourself! By the way, are you enjoying the site? I hope so! Thanks again…
by the way, have you looked up “Tawheed” —if not, google it, or see Wikipedia—-its the central concept of Islam and without a proper understanding of this—all other concepts cannot be put un context.