Society’s enemies: Condoms and birth control

· Philosophy, Politics, Religion

Last night while I was watching the 2012 Presidential election debates, Mitt Romney made a comment about how the government should not control a woman’s right to contraceptives. And it got me thinking about something I’ve thought before. People use condoms for a variety of reasons. Last night I posted the following on Facebook:


If you have to wear a condom for an encounter with another person, chances are you shouldn’t be having that encounter in the first place! It’s just trying to get around nature.


A couple of people really disagreed with me. One pointed out that her husband has Hepatitis C, and he must wear a condom so that he does not transmit the disease to her. Another of my friends pointed out that when he was married, he wore condoms. And he also asked the question, “If you become afflicted with cancer, can’t you have chemotherapy or is that also trying to get around nature?”


Of course, there are always individual circumstances that prove the exceptions to quick points that we make in a generalized way. One of my friends told me not to make generalizations. However, social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter are designed for generalizations. A person doesn’t have the space to add on to the end, “Well, in this case and that case, a person might have a legitimate use for a condom,” for example. My quick point that I was making is that people shouldn’t have sexual intercourse outside of marriage. That’s why I said “chances are.” Of course, there are exceptions to everything.


But is as the case with birth control, using a condom is trying to circumvent natural law. The ability to give birth is one of the greatest miracles that God has bestowed upon the human race, in my opinion. Any medication or pill that circumvents that miracle must have detrimental effects upon the body. It couldn’t be otherwise. There might be legitimate times when a woman uses birth control, such as regulating her menstrual cycle, but at what cost does that occur? Any pill that is powerful enough to prevent something as major as becoming pregnant, must have side effects. We can’t take the ‘good’ without the bad.


One final note: Suggesting ways to improve society is not judging. Judging is me saying someone is not going to heaven. I would never make that claim because I have no idea who is going to heaven and who is not. I can simultaneously hold the view that sex outside of marriage is wrong, and yet not judge those who have such intercourse. I’m talking about a general principle, not a specific person. So if I discover that someone uses a condom, my immediate reaction is not, “Oh, you are doing a bad thing,” but that in general, using condoms is a bad thing. I think there is a world of difference.


I should have expressed myself better in my original Facebook post. However, my point remains. Having sex outside of marriage and using condoms to try to get around nature is a recipe for disaster, in my opinion. There are other negative consequences of having sex outside of marriage, with an unwanted pregnancy being just one of those negative consequences. And a condom will not get rid of the negative results in all cases. So I think that people are lulling themselves into a false sense of security. What is one of the negative results of the birth control pill (and condom)? Rampant promiscuity and disease are just two of them. Society has crumbled in large part due to ‘inventions’ like the condom and the birth control pill.



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  1. Dom

    Keep your shlock off of the Dalhousie Classifieds. If you don’t have the guts to share your opinions on real fora, maybe they aren’t worth sharing at all, hmm?

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