Amphiist Flash Fiction 1 (Celebration of Islam): Abdul is at the airport

· Culture, Religion

Abdul was tremendously excited to graduate from his university. He now had a certificate for Electrical Engineering. He had been away from home for 4 years, and now he’d be reunited with his precious mother. When he arrived at the airport, there were sixteen of his closest relatives come to greet him. This made him feel well loved and appreciated. They had really missed him! He felt tears gather in his eyes. He hugged his mother so tightly that he thought he might have hurt her. He kissed and hugged his father, sister, and many cousins.

His sister excitedly inquired of him, “Abdul, guess what?”

He smiled down at her. “What, Noora?”

“I am going to school, too!”
“Where?”, he asked, surprised.

“To the same school you went to!”
“Really, who will chaperone you?”

His father and mother looked at each other. “Well, Abdul, we were going to tell you this after a few days.”

He smiled at them. “I know you can see on my face how happy I am to be back after all this time! But of course if you want me to protect Noora while she is in America, then I will be happy to do so! What are big brothers for?”, he asked, smiling.


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