Archives for May, 2013

Bill Abram and the Bank of Canada: Creation of money (Federal Reserve illegal)

According to Bill Abram, in 1993, Canada’s national debt stood at $423 billion. In Canada, the way government gets money is tied in with the big drug picture, over the control of people. International bankers control us through the creation of money. According to a graph put out by the Auditor General, in 1993, the […]

Where does the United States Congress get its money? The Federal Reserve! (This is bad).

It says in the Constitution that currency should be in the form of gold or silver. Thomas Jefferson warned Americans about paper money, and the banking system itself. Contrary to popular supposition, the Federal Reserve is not an arm of government. It is a financial cartel, a group of private banking corporations with an agreement […]

Why we should read James Zemboy: Agatha Christie and the servant class, adoption, and

I am currently rereading James Zemboy’s The Detective Novels of Agatha Christie. It is more expensive than traditional books, but I highly recommend it, because it is well worth the extra price. I won’t mention the price, because it’s different in different formats, but I did pay 30 some dollars for it and I read […]

Loneliness and insecurity, Part 2

I wrote an article about a year ago about my loneliness and insecurity. That article, and this one I am about to write, are both very personal and I feel a bit uncomfortable sharing this information about myself but I figure that I probably am not the only person to feel this way, and if […]

Is Angelina Jolie being brave or foolish about her breast cancer decision?

Doctors have told Angelina Jolie, the movie actress married to Brad Pitt, that she has an 87% chance of becoming afflicted with breast cancer. Her decision, when confronted with this tragic possibility, was to undergo a process where both of her breasts would be surgically removed and she would then get implant reconstruction. Because of […]

Was Franklin D. Roosevelt surprised by Pearl Harbour? Was there a conspiracy?

An article I found when I was looking through articles on the John Birch Society webpage states that the government knew about the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour before it happened. The reason for this, according to, is that the government wanted to incite the public so that it would want America to enter […]

What happened on 9/11? Has the mystery been solved? Did a conspiracy really occur?

In September 1991, George H.W. Bush and a group of financial experts involved in the security brokerage industry financed a quarter of a trillion dollar project entitled Project Hammer. This was right after the Cold War ended. The main agenda was to take economic advantage of Russia’s weakened state due to losing the Cold War. […]

Why should we read…D.M. Andrews’ Serpent in the Glass

There are many reasons to buy the book entitled The Serpent in the Glass, written by D.M. Andrews. The author clearly loves playing with words, such as miser and miserable, and communicates this pleasure to the reader. Another word about wordplay: The narrative overall has a whimsical, what if? quality to it that is perfect […]