Archives for June, 2015

Dylann Roof in Charleston: False flag?

The Charleston tragedy raises some interesting questions. Dylann Roof killed nine church members in Charleston, South Carolina in a church informally known as Mother Emanuel. Roof had a Facebook page, and on that page there is something fascinating to consider. He had many African American friends. But why would this be so, if he was […]

Caitlyn Jenner, the Illuminati, and androgyny

It seems like almost everyone is talking these days about what’s going on with Caitlyn Jenner, who used to be Bruce Jenner. He is the Olympic athlete who recently appeared on the cover of Vanity Fair to celebrate his new female identity. Needless to say, this has created a lot of controversy. But one thing […]

Rereading of Matthew 12:21

Matthew 12:21 (False): And Jesus angrily knocked over the table of the LGBTQ community because He is insulted at their very presence on Earth. (False): And Jesus, with great ferocity, overturned the table of the non-Christians, because He is the champion of intolerance. (False): And Jesus, with horrifying rage, kicked the table where the addicts […]

Sexual culture in Japan

The sexual culture in Japan is extremely interesting. A lot of men have fantasies about Japanese women, and Asian girls in general. A quarter of Japanese men and almost half of Japanese women, however, are stated to hate sex! The author of the source I’m summarizing has four possible causes for the new asexuality in […]

Caitlyn Jenner and me: Battle between good and evil

I am reading with great interest all of the news about Caitlyn Jenner’s Vanity Fair cover. I have expressed before my puzzlement at how someone who is truly transgendered could bear to live in the public eye as a man when really they are a woman. But it’s not for me to judge. And I […]

The Illuminati are not devil worshippers

The Illuminati do not worship the devil, because they do not believe in the devil. They do not believe in God, either. They believe in humanity, or in the potential of human beings to be their best selves. They would say that they do not believe in feeling fear because that allows what we fear […]