Category archives for Culture

History of American Thanksgiving

In history books in America, you can read that after the first harsh New England winter, the European pilgrims invited the Natives to a celebratory feast. However, the truth, according to this site, is a capitalistic overthrow of an entire people. In 1614 the British arrived in New England and took 24 slaves back with […]

Sexual practices of Muslims: temporary marriage or muta

Islam contains very strict rules about sex outside of marriage. Basically it is haram or forbidden. What follows is a quick guide to what Muslims should do in the area of sex to make sure that they do not offend God. It is important to understand the Muslim view on temporary marriage, or muta, within […]

Alesteir Crowley and the religion he founded for the Illuminati, Thelema

In Britain recently internet service providers have been instructed to censor esoteric materials, or as I like to call them, truth. Filters will gut out pornography, etc. A champion of the esoteric was Alesteir Crowley, the founder of Thelema, a religion and political system. He believed that people should live and let live. Under his […]

Jimmy Carter, the Catholic Church, and women’s rights

  In a recent interview, Jimmy Carter posited that the Catholic church is wrong for not ordaining women, based on a website article I was reading earlier today ( He believes that organized religion can fight for women’s rights, instead of oppressing them, as is believed by some to happen.   Carter believes that discrimination […]

Political cartoonist Khalid Albaih and the Arab Spring

    Khalid Albaih is a political cartoonist who lives in Doha, Qatar. The subject of his cartoons, satirically called Khartoons, in a reference to Khartoum, the capital of Sudan, is anti-government. In an interview, Albaih made the point that the Arab Spring did not fail, that famous overthrows like the French Revolution took years […]

Why we should read James Zemboy: Agatha Christie and the servant class, adoption, and

I am currently rereading James Zemboy’s The Detective Novels of Agatha Christie. It is more expensive than traditional books, but I highly recommend it, because it is well worth the extra price. I won’t mention the price, because it’s different in different formats, but I did pay 30 some dollars for it and I read […]

Masculinity and men in the Middle East

Moustaches in the Middle East are a fascinating topic. The above picture is of a young Persian man. Notice the perfection of his beard. He looks well-groomed, and trimmed with the facial hair offsetting the perfect complexion of his skin. I know several Arabs and Persians who have similarly impressive goatees and beards, so the […]

Homosexuality in the Middle East: Kuwait, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia: And my opinion

I have already written on the subject of homosexuality in Saudi Arabia, and I came across another interesting article on homosexuality in Kuwait, so I thought I would write about that.   This article was written in 2007 ( and is authored by Sumayyah Meehan. The author states that in the Middle East, punishment of […]

Women’s rights in Iran: Part 1

People in the West often have a very stereotypical view of women’s rights in Iran, and other countries in the Middle East. However, the reality is far more complex than that. Women’s issues are becoming a strong force in Iranian politics. Although the constitutions of Iran in 1906 and 1979 denied women’s rights, female activists […]

What is the sexual life and culture like for Eskimos?

Eskimos live in a culture that is very different from others. The term Eskimos is not how they identify themselves, but how others refer to the people who populate Alaska, northern Canada, Greenland (where, by the way, it’s icy, and in Iceland, it’s green!), northeast Siberia in Asiatic Russia.   Eskimo culture includes the following: […]

Why is culture important?

A knowledge of international culture can help us in a variety of ways, but I would like to discuss three that are especially important to me on a personal level.   The first is that life is a mystery. There are so many questions that people have, which are universal. If we know more about […]