Tag archives for infowars

Amphiist 45: Alex Jones’s take on the Parkland school shooting

There are many sides fighting to influence our world view We need to listen to all of them (free speech) Including what the mainstream media refuses to cover The rest of us are entitled to our perspectives: Shia Muslims, men’s rights, socialists, etc. Amphiist is a Greek word meaning looking at both sides Amphiist (45) […]

Amphiist 43: School shooting in Parkland, Florida

There are many sides fighting to influence our world view We need to listen to all of them (free speech) Including what the mainstream media refuses to cover The rest of us are entitled to our perspectives: Shia Muslims, men’s rights, socialists, etc. Amphiist is a Greek word meaning looking at both sides Amphiist (43) […]

Edward Snowden: hero or villain?

Source of picture: http://www.infowars.com/edward-snowden-leaves-hong-kong-on-flight-to-moscow/       It’s always interesting to read certain authors and social critics, because they always (or their associates) have something interesting to say. Infowars.com is one of those sites, and Alex Jones is one of the social critics I find brings an interesting perspective to the news of the day. […]

What is Alex Jones saying about the Boston bombings?

Lately, the media has attacked the website Infowars, run by social critic Alex Jones, for encouraging terrorism that results in attacks like the one waged by Tamerlan Tsarnaev and his brother, Dzhokhar, at the Boston marathon recently. According to the Infowars site, Tamerlan’s ex brother-in-law has stated that Tamerlan became interested in Infowars after he […]