Tag archives for dating

I’d (Newspaper about good and evil)

Support REAL news by subscribing: jaclynhollandstrauss.com/join I’d?… The newspaper for those who wonder about good & evil Issue 3: June 5 , 2016 There’s a choice each of us needs to make To have control over our emotions or not to … I’d have already reached my full potential if I knew how I’d see […]

Should girls ask guys out on dates? No!

When I was at Ricks College, I experienced something new. It was called Morp, which is Prom backwards. The reason they spell it backwards is because of the fact that for this one time, girls ask guys to the dance, rather than the other way around. Is this a good idea? I think it’s fun […]

Guys and girls: What do women mean when we say nothing is wrong?

Men and women sometimes have very good intentions, but often they do not understand each other because they literally do not know what the other person is saying. One of the biggest mistakes that people make is they assume that because the way they handle a situation is the way that someone of the opposite […]

Why do many Middle Eastern guys want to date Canadian girls? (Part 3)

Although these are all just theories, and I have no way to prove them, I do think there are several reasons for why many Middle Eastern guys want to date Canadian girls.   Of course, there are exceptions. Some guys from a culture that is different from the Canadian one don’t think much of the […]