Archives for December, 2012

Was Jesus Christ born in Jerusalem or Bethlehem?

What do the Mormons think about this issue? The Book of Mormon is considered scripture for members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. According to this Christian church, Smith received divine revelation and was told directly by God what to write (in the same way that Muslims believe Muhammad received divine revelation […]

How did December 25 become Christmas?

There is not a lot of information in the Bible about when Jesus was born. There are some clues, however, ambiguous though they are. In Luke 2:8, it talks about how the shepherds are tending to their flocks when the news of His birth comes. This suggests a spring date, rather than the traditional one […]

Was the Muslim Prophet Muhammad mentioned in the Christian Old Testament?

Sources:   In the Song of Solomon Chapter 5, a woman is describing a man, a man who has not yet been born. In other words, a prophecy is being uttered. In verse 16 of Chapter 5, it says, “His mouth is sweetness itself; he is wholly desirable. This is my beloved, and […]

What is the NRA saying about what happened in Newtown, Connecticut?

People have been waiting for a week to hear what the National Rifle Association (NRA) think about the mass shootings in Newtown, Connecticut. Wayne LaPierre, the executive vice president of the company, finally broke his silence. He stated that the solution to the problem of mass shootings is to arm good people with guns so […]

What do the King Solomon story in the Bible, the fight over the Gaza Strip between Israelis and Palestinians, and the mass shooting in Newtown, Connecticut all have in common? A fight for ownership rights at the expense of innocent children.

King Solomon was a very wise man. In the King James version of the Bible, specifically in the 3rd book of 1 Kings, a story is told where he was supposed to judge between two mothers of children. Both mothers said the child belonged to them. In his wisdom, Solomon suggested cutting the child in […]

Piers Morgan and the issue of gun control: His view on Newtown, Connecticut

Piers Morgan, the CNN talk host, has strong opinions about what America should do about gun control in the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy. He went on Twitter the day the tragedy occurred, and posted several tweets about what gun control policy should be in the United States. He says that no […]

“I am Adam Lanza’s mother:” A plea from Liza Long, the mother of a boy with mental health issues.

Liza Long wrote an article at, which created a firestorm of controversy. In it, she described herself as being in the same situation as Adam Lanza’s mother. Long, too, has a son with mental health issues. She describes her interactions with him, which are becoming more belligerent over time, and she basically is pleading […]

Right to bear arms: Tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut. Ban certain guns.

The tragedy that happened at Sandy Hook in Newtown, Connecticut, is one more piece of evidence that guns that are capable of killing many people in a matter of seconds should be banned. Yes, I know that many people believe that the Illuminati-controlled government staging a future coup, and the general population needs to be […]

Did you hear about the woman who has fingernails growing out of her skin?

  Source:   Shanyna Isom, a law student in Memphis, suffered an asthma attack a few years ago. As a result, she was prescribed steroids, which had a terrible consequence for her. She immediately started itching all over her body. She began to grow scabs, especially on her legs, which quickly spread to the […]

Who takes breakups harder, men or women?

I think that men do. There is a myth that men are not as sensitive as women. They just show it differently, meaning that they do not show it as openly because society still frowns on men who are too emotional, which has devastating consequences.   Men do not fall in love as easily as […]

Mass shooting in Portland, Oregon: Illuminati behind it for the purpose of implementing martial law?

Unfortunately, there has been another mass shooting in the United States. This time, it took place in a mall in Portland, Oregon. According to a Time article, which can be found at, the perpretator wore a mask, body armour, and camouflage so that he could not be identified. After killing two victims, the gunman […]

Is Days of our Lives good right now?

Days of our Lives is a mixture of good and bad right now. I am liking the Will/Gabi/Chad/Sonny/Nick storyline. It is nice to have guys gossiping about each other, rather than the usual women! Gabi is a great heroine. She has done really awful things but is still somewhat sympathetic. If I were related to […]

Should girls ask guys out on dates? No!

When I was at Ricks College, I experienced something new. It was called Morp, which is Prom backwards. The reason they spell it backwards is because of the fact that for this one time, girls ask guys to the dance, rather than the other way around. Is this a good idea? I think it’s fun […]

What needs to be fixed in Mexico? (Part 1)

Source:   Denise Dresser recently a talk on what is wrong with Mexico. Everyday life in Mexico is extremely dangerous. Parents never know if the phone is going to ring, and if they are going to be told that one of their children has been caught in the fire of a drug cartel. Perhaps […]

Diabetes, Part 2: Natural remedies for overcoming diabetes

There are a number of herbs and other natural remedies that a person can use to improve their chances of beating diabetes. For herbs, two that are particularly effective, according to reports, are sage and milberry. If you do not want to take too many pills, even natural, non-chemical ones, you can always steep these […]

7 myths about diabetes: Advice from Dr. Mark Hyman’s The Blood Sugar Solution

Diabetes is an epidemic. Soon more people on the planet will have diabetes than don’t have it. There is tons of misinformation out there. I suffer from diabetes and my doctor is concerned because my blood sugar was 16 when I recently had it tested. Ideal is 5.5. I’m really reading and researching a lot […]

Why I like Khloe Kardashian’s co-hosting the X Factor

The chemistry between Khloe Kardashian and Simon Cowell is adorable. He needs to button his shirt, and Mario Lopez can start wearing his the way Simon does now. But Khloe doesn’t need to change anything, except perhaps it would be good to convince Mario to not hate her. Because I think he does. And he’s […]