Archives for November, 2012

What’s the most important commandment to keep?

Many people’s answer to this question is “the one that you’re not keeping.” But I disagree with this. I think it’s too simple of an answer. There is, as far as I know, no one on earth who is committing only one sin, or breaking one single commandment. Most of us commit a dozen sins […]

When is it okay to judge?

The problem that a lot of us have is that we judge wrongly. There is a time to judge and there is a time not to. When is it appropriate? When we are judging something in the hope of making a better society. Sometimes we need to judge for the purposes of self-protection. For instance, […]

Which is better, Facebook,Twitter, LinkedIn, Klout, or Google+?

Social media is the rage of the day. But which one is best? It depends on what you’re looking for. I like sharing ideas with people and engaging as many as possible. So for me, the clear choice is Facebook. It exactly suits my needs. If we could set it up so that Facebook accepted […]

How is Khloe Kardashian doing co-hosting the X Factor?

Last night something interesting happened on the X Factor. It’s a reality show competition like America Idol. One of the singers will be given a 5 million dollar contract to make a CD when they win. So the stakes are very high. The judges for the show are Simon Cowell (originally on American Idol), Britney […]

Guys and girls: What do women mean when we say nothing is wrong?

Men and women sometimes have very good intentions, but often they do not understand each other because they literally do not know what the other person is saying. One of the biggest mistakes that people make is they assume that because the way they handle a situation is the way that someone of the opposite […]

Racism: How Arabs are depicted in Hollywood  Reel Bad Arabs: How Hollywood Vilifies a People  In Hollywood movies, ominous music accompanies Arabs on screen. The desert is shown as something to fear. This goes back to silent movies in Hollywood, with stars like Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. In Disney’s Aladdin, the film degraded Arabs by saying “they came from a land in a […]

Money, margin loans and mind control. Fascinating stuff!   One cause of the American Revolution was that King George III stopped allowing the colonists to print their own currency. Therefore, they had to borrow the money they needed to run their colonies from the Bank of England, (which had been created in 1694). They also had to pay interest on the money […]

Why was President John F Kennedy assassinated? The Illuminati!

Summary of   Why was President John F. Kennedy assassinated? According to this website, it is because he signed Executive Order 11110, the substance of which is that the Federal Reserve would soon no longer be able to lend money at interest. In other words, the central banks who own the Federal Reserve would stand […]

Who caused the Great Depression? The Illuminati!

For some of my blogs, I will be summarizing documentaries that make us think in a new way about politics: You won’t learn this stuff in university! This summary is Money Masters. You can find the full video on YouTube and if you want to buy it (which I encourage!), you can obtain the ordering […]

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The election of the prison warden: “Imprison us!” cried the townspeople.

The prison warden couldn’t believe his luck. With his personal charm (which was invisible to many, but widely reported), he had managed to secure a job in this tough economy as a prison warden with little relevant experience. There had been an election, and he had won. Even better, he had slowly built a strong […]

What are Middle Eastern countries saying about Obama’s re-election?

In Egypt, there were congratulations but not as much enthusiasm as there has been in the past. When Obama won in 2008, he gave a speech which outlined various plans for a strong relationship between Cairo and Washington. However, his future policies did not reflect that in the eyes of many Egyptians.   A leader […]

Why I love God

There are many reasons. One of the most important is that I know His sacrifice is beyond my comprehension. Parents would rather suffer themselves than see their children suffer. However, God sent His Son to die for us because He knew that without this divine intervention, we would not be able to return to live […]

If Obama is running to be reelected as President so he can help people, why isn’t he helping people when he’s ALREADY President?

Source for photograph:   I would be criticizing any President, be they Democrat or Republican, for the situation that’s going on along the Eastern Seaboard. It is absolutely unacceptable what’s going on, or more accurately, what’s not going on. President Obama should be ensuring that the generators for the marathon are redirected to those […]

Here are some neat math tricks!

Here are some tricks for math that will help you save time. If you want to multiply two numbers by two numbers, there are several things you can do to make it a less daunting task.   If you multiply a number by 11, all you have to do is add the 2 digits of […]